How To Use Coconut Oil To Whiten Teeth

How To Use Coconut Oil To Whiten Teeth? This will show you how you can white your teeth by using coconut oil.


It is an ancient oral cleansing method for good oral hygiene. Using coconut oil can remove the toxins in your body and can whiten your teeth!

Bacteria is present everywhere, including inside and outside our bodies.

The ones in the oral cavity work on the food that remains on your teeth.

How To Use Coconut Oil To Whiten Teeth

They release acids that can discolor your teeth surfaces.

Oil pulling with coconut oil can help reduce these bacteria in the mouth and clean the acid stains off your teeth’s enamel.

It gives way for remineralization of the lost enamel, reverses the stains and prevents caries that discolor your teeth.

The lauric acid in coconut oil kills and reduces the number of these bacteria.


Visit your dentist for a bi-yearly deep cleaning to get rid of hard plaque from the neck of your teeth, which oil pulling and regular toothbrushes cannot remove.

If you don’t, you will end up with bone loss and loose teeth. At that point, white teeth will hardly be your concern.


  • Organic, extra virgin, non-GMO coconut oil (not contaminated or expired)
  • A tissue or a hand towel
  • A clean teaspoon
  • 200 ml of warm saltwater
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush


STEP 1: Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater thoroughly to neutralize the oral environment and prepare it for the oil to work.

STEP 2: Take a teaspoon of the coconut oil and put it in your mouth.

STEP 3: Start swooshing the oil around, making it move through your teeth, both behind and in front, covering all surface areas.

Do this for 20 minutes. Make sure you use a pulling motion using suctional forces in your mouth to draw the oil through your teeth so it can reach the deepest crevices.

STEP 4: Once you finish oil pulling for 20 minutes, spit it out into a cup, and flush it’s contents down the toilet to protect your sink and its plumbing from getting blocked.

STEP 5: Vigorously gargle with warm saltwater. Follow this by brushing your teeth as usual with toothpaste using your brush.

How To Use Coconut Oil To Whiten Teeth


  • Always have something interesting to do for the 20 minutes that you spend oil pulling. Read a book or watch a 20-minute video on a topic of your choice. Keep this ready before you begin.
  • Never use contaminated or expired products, especially oil.
  • Do not swallow what you have in your mouth. If a little gets into your system, don’t panic, it won’t harm you.
  • Spit into a cup and not into your sink.
  • Stay away from anything or anyone who could make you laugh when you are doing this.
  • Be consistent. Do not expect to see results in one day. It will take a week to see results.
  • Add a small drop of peppermint oil if you cannot stand coconut oil alone. It will help you feel fresh. Do not add too much, or you will burn your mouth.
  • Do not substitute this for brushing your teeth daily and regularly seeing your dentist for deep cleaning.
How To Use Coconut Oil To Whiten Teeth


Start oil pulling with coconut oil today! It can save you money, time, and effort.

It can also prevent the many ailments and unpleasant sights from bad oral hygiene and tooth discoloration as you age. Prevention is better than cure!

How To Use Coconut Oil To Whiten Teeth

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