Fast Life Tips – Fast Life Tips Fast Life Tips Information Mon, 13 Sep 2021 13:16:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 11 Benefits of Cloves Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:06:59 +0000 Benefits of Cloves Overview

11 Cloves Benefits You Should Know
If you are into cooking, then cloves are for you. The benefits of this spice row are traditional food and desserts, fruit compote, and coffee, among others. It is very versatile since it can be used in so many different ways. This article will show how many health benefits there are to consuming cloves daily.

Benefits of Cloves

1# 11 cloves Benefits To Women’s Health
Most women know about the contraceptive qualities of clove, but they do not see that it also has other benefits when taken by women. Here are some of them–
Clove prevents anemia- Eating one or two cloves along with your meal ensures that your body gets enough needed to carry iron, which prevents anemia.
Clove enhances breastfeeding- clove helps in milk generation as it triggers estrogen, which stimulates lactation, according to research conducted by Indonesian scientists. They also found that the milky sap improves secretion and letdown reflexes, thus promoting more breastmilk production.
Ensures Quality Sleep- Cloves contain chavicol and eugenol, which is a kind of element that relaxes your body and induces sleep. It ensures that you get quality sleep for at least five hours after taking it before 4 pm since there are no side effects or adverse reactions associated with it.
Two # 11 cloves Benefits To Oral Health
Because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic qualities, clove is very effective in oral health. Regular consumption of cloves helps in preventing tooth decay and periodontitis. This is backed by research conducted on almost 90 people. Among them, only 20 were diabetic, while the remaining 70 were not. The result showed that those who consumed a teaspoon of ground clove daily had reduced levels of blood sugar and their plaque scores.
Three # 11 cloves Benefits Against Indigestion
Cloves are known for helping with indigestion because they have anti-flatulent properties, which ease up bloating and abdominal pain caused by gas. Clove oil must be rubbed against the stomach area to help deal with digestive problems and regular consumption of the spice.
4# 11 cloves Benefits Against Coughs
Clove is a natural expectorant which makes it an excellent remedy for cough and sore throat, according to a study conducted by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine. Cloves also help strengthen the immune system and prevent colds, flu, and other infections.
5# 11 cloves Benefits For Hair Care
If you want healthy hair, you must include clove in your diet since it contains high amounts of antioxidants that help fight free radicals, thus preventing graying of hair and split ends. In addition, clove has antimicrobial qualities, which helps treat dandruff and other scalp problems. You can either eat cloves or apply them topically on your hair to get the maximum benefits.
6# 11 cloves Benefits For Skin Care
You can use cloves directly on your skin to help reduce pigmentation, acne scars, and scarring, according to research conducted by scientists at the Department of Oral Biology, College of the Dentistry University of Illinois. Clove has antimicrobial properties, making it an excellent agent for treating wounds, ulcers, and boils.

7# 11 cloves Benefits For Muscle Relaxation
Cloves effectively relieve tension in muscles, thus alleviating pain associated with migraines, according to a study done by researchers from the Department of Neurology, University Of California. Clove oil must be rubbed against the temples and temple areas to relieve pain and muscle tension.
8# 11 cloves Benefits For Digestion
Cloves help with proper digestion due to their carminative properties, thus relieving bloating, flatulence, indigestion, and abdominal cramps resulting from eating too fast or eating large quantities. Clove can either be chewed raw or swallowed after being mixed with a bit of water to aid in better absorption by your stomach.
9# 11 cloves Benefits For Rheumatic Arthritis
Clove is very effective in treating muscle pain, swelling, and stiffness due to its antispasmodic properties, which help reduce the effect of certain neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. When rubbed on muscles or joints, clove oil helps provide temporary relief from stiffness and joint pain.
10# 11 cloves Benefits For Toothache
Clove has analgesic qualities that help treat toothaches when applied topically. Clove oil must be diluted with water or coconut oil before rubbing it directly against the gums where you are feeling pain. This will resolve your problem in 5 minutes flat!
11# 11 cloves Benefits Against Allergies
Avoiding consuming cloves throughout allergy season is recommended because they can make your symptoms worse for obvious reasons. However, clove oil can help relieve nasal congestion and other allergy-related problems because of its decongestant qualities. You can either place a couple of drops into a pot of boiling water or put 1-2 drops directly into the back of your throat using an eyedropper to get rid of sinusitis, bronchial asthma as well as hay fever.

Benefits of Cloves

Cloves benefits for male

Clove is a renowned Indian spice used in the preparation of various delicacies and stews. In addition to spicing up food with an excellent flavor and aroma, cloves are also known to have a great nutritional value and numerous health benefits. This article will give a brief but thorough overview of the benefits of cloves to men.

Cloves enhance intimacy for men.
Cloves have a warm and sweet effect that improves the flow of blood and raise body temperatures. Further, cloves increase energy levels in the body and enhance nervous stimulation by alleviating stress and anxiety. They prevent premature ejaculation and help men to last long in bed.

Cloves improve oral health.
Simply chewing a piece of dry clove instantly freshens the breath. Additionally, cloves have an antibacterial feature and are effective in the prevention of gingivitis and plaque.

Cloves boost liver health.
Cloves contain high levels of antioxidants that effectively prevent liver disease, courtesy of their capacity to lower oxidative stress.

Cloves are effective in the elimination of addiction.
Cloves can distract the brain when you are craving a cigarette.

Cloves can prevent cancer.
Cloves contain an aromatic element known as eugenol and flavonoid kumatakenin that have been confirmed to be effective in preventing cancer by initiating cancer cell death.


Indeed, the numerous health benefits of cloves to men cannot be overstressed. It is essential to note that the said benefits of cloves are innumerable and not limited to those presented herein—all the best as you plan to buy your packet of cloves. Good luck!

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Benefits of Cinnamon Mon, 16 Aug 2021 04:03:00 +0000 Benefits of Cinnamon Overview

Cinnamon has the following benefits when taken

1. Lowers blood sugar

Cinnamon can be used to manage and support type 2 diabetes. It can be consumed in small amounts or eaten as part of a balanced diet.

2. Reduces blood pressure.

Cinnamon can be used to reduce blood pressure. However, we should consult a doctor before trying out.

3. It has medicinal properties

Cinnamon has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It also has some other benefits.

Benefits of Cinnamon

4. Relieves digestive discomfort

Cinnamon is used for treating digestive imbalance. Cinnamon warmth increases blood flow, improves blood oxygen level to fight illness.

5. Improves gut health

Spices in diet improve gut health.
It has prebiotic properties, which promote the growth of bacteria that suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

6. Lowers the risk of heart diseases

Reduces the level of total cholesterol and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes

7. Neurodegenerative diseases.

They are diseases like Parkinson’s and Alhaimera, Cinnamon helps improve motor function, protects neurons and neurotransmitter levels.

8. Protect against cancer.

Cinnamon extracts protect against cancer. The reduction of cancer cells and the formation of blood vessels in tumors appears to be bad for cancer cells.

Benefits of Cinnamon

9. Helps fight HIV virus.

HIV can be fought by cinnamon extracted from cassia varieties.

10. Improves sensitivity to the hormone insulin

Cinnamon drastically reduces insulin resistance, thus helping the hormone insulin play its role.

11. Anti-inflammatory properties.

Cinnamon is used to fighting chronic inflammation. It also helps fight infections and repair tissue damage

12. Cinnamon is loaded with Antioxidants.

Used as a natural food preservative. Powerful Antioxidants protect the body against damage caused by free radicals.

13. Good for oral teeth

The spice helps prevent tooth decay and bad breath.

14. Slows signs of aging.

Cinnamon produces collagen and elastin proteins used to keep skin supple and smooth.

15. Speed up hair growth

It helps hair grow by ensuring that blood flows to the hair follicles.

Benefits of Cinnamon

How to use cinnamon water for hair growth

In addition to its mouth-watering flavor, cinnamon can also be used to treat certain hair problems. Research has proven that it can lower the risks of balding and even reduce the chances of hair loss. In this post, we explore how to use cinnamon water for hair growth, improving hair quality, and hair loss prevention.

What You Need to Make Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon oil is usually formed from the infusion of oil extracted from cinnamon barks with a base oil. To make cinnamon oil, you will need:
• Olive oil: 1 liter
• Cinnamon powder: 250 grams
• Heat
Tip: The ideal cinnamon to olive oil ratio is 4:1.

How to Make the Oil

The following are easy-to-follow steps on how to make cinnamon oil:

  1. Gently heat the olive oil in a pan.
  2. Once the oil is heated, add the grounded cinnamon powder, then mix.
  3. Simmer the blend for about 5 minutes.
  4. Once the cinnamon smell is strong, turn the heat off and leave the mixture to cool to normal room temperature.
  5. Strain the mixture and store it in an airtight jar.

Using Cinnamon Oil for Your Hair
The easiest way to treat your hair with cinnamon oil is to gently massage your scalp and adjacent areas regularly for 20-25 minutes before thoroughly washing your hair.

Additional Tips
• Immediately wash the cinnamon oil off if you experience redness or irritation.
• Do not apply cinnamon oil directly onto your scalp without adding a base oil to it.


With the numerous scientific evidence proving that this wintery spice can help improve overall hair growth, I recommend that you start using cinnamon today.

Benefits of Kiwi Mon, 16 Aug 2021 03:27:00 +0000 Benefits of Kiwi Overview
Benefits of Kiwi

Kiwi has the following benefits:

1. Helps Asthma

Asthma can be disturbing, and a study shows that kiwi has high amounts of antioxidants and Vitamin C, which can help in controlling symptoms of asthma.

2. Prevents blood clotting

Kiwi is known to prevent blood clotting by reducing the amount of fat in the blood. This happens without interfering with blood cholesterol levels.

3. Improves digestion

Kiwi helps improve digestion because it has dietary fiber; apart from having fiber, it also has an enzyme actinidin that helps in breaking down proteins.

4. Supports immune function

Kiwi has vitamin C that is very important for the proper functioning of cells.

The Vitamin C available in kiwi is responsible for the growth and repair of tissues as well as providing support for the immune system.

5. Regulates blood pressure

Kiwi can prevent diseases such as stroke and heart attack as well as reducing high blood pressure. Those people who eat kiwis have low chances of getting high blood pressure.

6. Prevents loss of vision

They prevent vision loss and macular degeneration as well. It is the best nutrient for your eye since it can absorb excess light that could damage your retinas.

7. Reduces the damage of DNA

Oxidative stress can cause DNA breakage, which can lead to serious health problems. Kiwi has antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress.

8. Improves skin health

Kiwi consists of vitamin C that synthesizes collagen, which is an essential nutrient to the skin and bones.

9. Fights inflammation

Kiwis consist of bromelain that breaks down proteins and heals inflammation. Other fruits that have bromelain are green papayas and pineapples.

10. Helps in weight loss

Kiwi is one of the fruits you should eat if you want to cut weight. They have low calories, high water content and a good amount of fiber.

11. Improves lung function

Kiwi fruits have Vitamin C and E, which are very effective. Fruits rich in these two nutrients improve lung functioning in children.

12. Can treat cancer

A study shows that kiwi fruit has the potential of treating cancer. It has Vitamin C, which helps in fighting free radicals.

13. Promotes liver health

Kiwi fruit has a compound that treats non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

14. Promotes sleep

If you want to sleep well, ensure that you eat at least one kiwi fruit before you sleep.

15. Promotes intestinal transit

It helps get rid of digestion problems as it has a lot of fibers.
Eating kiwis is easy, just slide them up and scoop the insides.

Kiwi recipes smoothie

A kiwi is a nutritious fruit that is rich in vitamin c. You can choose to eat the fruit as a salad or a smoothie. Therefore, it is good to add any other fruit or flavor when making a smoothie to give it a good taste. For that reason, here is a recipe for making a tropical kiwi pineapple smoothie.
What you need;

2 cups of frozen pineapple

2 kiwi fruits

1 cup vanilla yogurt

1 cup coconut milk

1tsp honey
How to prepare;

Wash the kiwi and pineapple in clean water.

Peel the pineapple skin and finely chop it into small chunks using a knife.

Store the pineapples in the freezer for some time to give the smoothie a tropical taste.

Cut the kiwi fruits in two halves and scoop out the flesh with a spoon.

Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.

Pour in two glasses and garnish with slices of kiwi and pineapple fruit.
Serves: 2
Preparation time: 20 minutes


You should not store a kiwi fruit in the refrigerator before it is ripe. For that reason, you do not have to worry about an unripe fruit. To ripen them, you can place them in a paper bag with a banana fruit. Its skin indents slightly inside when touched if it is fully ripe

Benefits of Kiwi

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Benefits of Black Seed Oil Mon, 16 Aug 2021 03:25:00 +0000 Benefits of black seed oil Overview

Scientists have researched the benefits of black seed oil in a wide range of different specialists. Generally, these seeds are pressed from flowering shrub seeds, Nigella sativa.

Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Individuals can apply it topically on their skins or ingest it in the form of capsules to benefits from it. However, since there are countless benefits of black seed oil, we have selected the top-rated and effective ones for you.

1. Solves male infertility problems

A recent study shows that about 68 infertile men, who took 5 ml of black seed oil daily, improved their semen quality in two months. In diabetic rats, this oil increases testosterone without any side effects. Still, it improves sperm motility and quality in another related study.

2. Fights anxiety

Clear evidence supports that black seed oil decreased anxiety, enhanced cognition, and 48 adolescent males’ mood after four weeks. This group took 1 g of oil dairy in the form of a capsule.

Scientist says that Thymoquinone is an active ingredient in black seed oil, which helps fight fatigue and anxiety.

3. Fights against breathing diseases

The scientist again noticed that Thymoquinone and Nigellone are two major volatile oils in the black seed. The Nigellone produces both broncho-dilating and anti-spasmodic properties, which add the power of black seed oil against breathing disorders.

4. Strengthens bone

The pentarchy cliterpenesaponin, Alpha-header isolated from the black seeds, is strong in vivo anti-tumor activity. Still, it is proven to increase interferon production and protect the normal cells from risky invader effects. Also, it helps in destroying the tumor cells.

5. Reduces the skin allergy

This black seed acts as an Anthihisramine that aids in reducing skin allergies, negative systems. Again, it produces Thymoquinone as helpful Aalgesic and inflammatory effects. Also, it is a powerful antioxidant that helps in cleaning the toxins out of our bodies. Further, other researches show that black seed is Antimicrobial, anti-leukemic, and effective in deworming.

6. Prevents cancer

The recent research claimed that black seed increased the ratio between the activity of NK cell and T-cell. These results show that it plays a vital role in fighting and preventing AIDS, cancer, and other immune deficiency states.

7. Helpful for the respiratory system

Some active ingredients in black seed oil can work as an immune system booster. Therefore, there have proven effective in treating whooping cough and Asthma.

8. Fights obesity

The recent research published in Metabolic disorders and diabetes confirmed that black seed is useful in fighting obesity. This seed has over 100 beneficial properties—it essential source of proteins, minerals, fatty acids, vitamins, and other related minerals. Therefore, beta-sitosterol is claimed to have anti-carcinogenic properties for treating obesity.

9. Helps in milk production to breastfeeding mothers

This is amazing. Black seeds were used to help increase milk production for nursing mothers, traditionally. Also, there is recent prove claiming that black cumin seeds stimulated milk production in rats.

10. Antioxidant defense

The cell and animal studies claim that black seed oil acts on the below antioxidant pathways:
(a) Lowering homocysteine
(b) Increases the liver antioxidant enzymes like glutathione
(c) Protect different tissues from oxidative injuries like liver, blood vessels, and stomach

11. Help in muscle relaxation

The black seed oil lowers spasms in tissues. It has effects on smooth muscles like the gut, heart, and airways. The seed acts by blocking the calcium effects on tissues, blocking cholinergic and histamine pathways.

12. It is good for our hair and skin.

Due to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, black seed oil can help treat various skin conditions and hydrate the hair. It can reduce dandruff in hair; below are some skin conditions it helps to solve:
(a) General dry skin
(b) Eczema
(c) Acne
(d) Psoriasis

13. Fights high blood pressure

The black seed oil lowered blood pressure in patients with mild blood pressure. This volunteer group received 200mg or 100mg of black seed extract twice a day. Further, the extract also lowered LDL cholesterol, which might clog someone’s blood vessels.

14. Fights Hepatitis C

The black seed oil was confirmed to lower the viral load to Hepatitis C patients in the study of over 30 individuals. Another study also proved that ginger 500mg mixed with black seed 500mh had the same beneficial effects.

15. Fights seizures in kids

A black seed compound known as Thymoquinone is proven to fight seizures in kids. It reduces seizures through increasing antibody levels and immune cell activity.
As a result, the above comprehensive guide will educate you on the proven top-rated black seed oil benefits.

How to use black seed oil for hair

Black seed oil, also known as Nigella Sativa or black cumin, contains a high thymoquinone concentration, a powerful antihistamine that naturally restores hair growth. Here, we will teach you how to use black seed oil for hair.

What You Need

The following are the ingredients you will need to make the black seed oil:

· 2 handfuls black cumin seeds

· 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

· 5 cups of water


  1. Fill a pot with 5 cups of water and add 2handfuls of black cumin seeds.
  2. Allow the mixture to boil for 10 minutes, then take it off the heat and let cool for 5 minutes or so.
  3. Use a strainer to remove the seeds from the mixture and pour 1 cup of the infused oil into a jar.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of virgin olive oil and mix.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture on your scalp
  6. and massage it in, then let it sit for half an hour.
  7. Wash your hair.
  8. Do this bi-weekly for maximum results.

Safety Tips

Apply black seed oil only to your hair if you plan on trying it for hair growth and want to avoid any side effects.


If it’s your first time using black seed oil, try applying it to a small area to ensure you will react well to it.

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Learn more about Nigella Sativa here

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Benefits of Honey Sun, 15 Aug 2021 15:02:00 +0000 Benefits of Honey

1. Rich in antioxidants

Honey contains essential antioxidants; some of the antioxidants are flavonoids and organic acids. Antioxidants lower the risk of cancer, strokes and heart diseases.

2. Contains nutrients

Honey consists of beneficial nutrients. For instance, a tablespoon of honey contains 17 grams of sugar and 64 calories.

Benefits of Honey

3. Antioxidants lower blood pressure

Blood pressure is a significant cause of heart disease, and taking honey lowers blood pressure.

4. Good for diabetics

Honey is suitable for those people with type two diabetes as it can lower bad LDL cholesterol and raise good HDL cholesterol.

5. Helps improve cholesterol

Bad LDL cholesterol is a significant risk factor for heart disease; honey can help improve cholesterol levels by reducing bad cholesterol and increasing the good HDL cholesterol.

6. Beneficial to heart health

Honey has antioxidant compounds and phenols that can reduce the risks of heart diseases.

7. Lowers Triglycerides

Blood triglycerides are a risk factor for heart disease and type two diabetes. Consuming honey regularly lowers the levels of triglycerides.

8. Heals Burns and wounds

Honey can be used to treat wounds and burns; it can also treat diabetic foot ulcers.

9. High in calories and sugar

This is majorly in high-quality honey, consume little honey as it’s high in sugar and calories.

10. Helps suppress coughs in children

Children with upper respiratory infections tend to cough a lot; coughing can affect sleep and affects the quality of life for both parents and children.

Benefits of Honey

Honey works better in suppressing coughs.

11. Useful in weight management

Honey can be used for weight management; honey plays a major role in burning body fat. It is one of the best foods to consider if you want to lose weight.

12. Strengthens immune system

Honey is medicinal and can be used to treat sore throat. It’s rich in antioxidants and bacteria-fighting assets, which fights infections caused by viruses.

Benefits of Honey

13. Nourishes your skin and face

It’s a good skin natural moisturizer; raw honey unclogs pores and moisturizes your skin as well.

14. Boosts memory

Honey boosts and makes your mental health strong. One of its major benefits is boosting memory and concentration.

15. Home remedy for dandruff

It is the best home remedy for dandruff and also nourishes dry hair.

16. Helps with gum disease

Honey can treat gum diseases like gingivitis and bleeding as it has antiseptic hydrogen peroxide that prevents the growth of bacteria.

Benefits of Honey

Honey has various benefits, and it’s advisable that you consume a little amount of honey. It’s good to take honey early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Learn how to use honey for lips

You can apply honey directly to the lips, or you can mix it with another ingredient. Here are the best ways to think about when you have dry or even chapped lips. Compare them to fix the problem.

Apply it directly

You can put a layer of honey on your lips and let it act overnight. Do this regularly, and you will notice a good change of lips. It’s getting softer and softer.

Honey with glycerin

Mix honey with glycerin and apply the mixture the night before bed. Rinse it in the morning. Repeat this process daily, and you will have smoother lips than ever before.

Honey with sugar

Honey and sugar are the best solutions for treating dry lips and making them less prone to dryness. Mix the sugar and honey and massage gently on the lips for a few minutes. You can repeat this process three times a week. The final results will give you bright and smooth lips even in the winter season.

Honey with rose water

Otherwise, rose water is very beneficial for the skin and very beneficial when it comes to lips. You can mix them, put them on your lips and leave them for 15 minutes. Repeat this process regularly.

Dear Vaseline

Both honey also Vaseline are relatively beneficial in nursing dry lips. If we mixed, we should get better and more reliable results. Put honey first, then apply Vaseline, then leave it for 15 minutes, and then wipe. You can do this daily to get more effective results.

Honey with cocoa powder

Cocoa powder is beneficial on dry lips also contains ingredients that help moisturize the lips. Cocoa powder, mix honey, and a small brown sugar. Use this mixture on your lips and smoothly exfoliate for a minute or two. Wash it with water. Repeat that process 3 times a week for the most excellent results.

Honey with some lemon water

Lemon contains vitamin C, which is essential in reducing lip browning. Honey and lemon water give you soft, pink lips. Mix honey with lemon water and apply to the lips. Let it sit overnight and rinse it off in the morning. Repeat daily for best results.

Honey and ginger for cough

A cough happens when the nerves in your breathing system are stimulated. It could be due to a chemical or mechanical cause. You cough voluntarily or involuntarily when you have foreign particles, mucus, or microbes on your throat.

How do honey and ginger work on coughs?

Taking honey and ginger for coughs is suitable for your throat. The honey suppresses the cough and soothes the irritated throat, while ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Ginger also clears bacteria and other microbes in your respiratory system. The honey and ginger combination is very effective in treating coughs and strengthening your immune system.

Tip: A squeeze of lemon into your drink not only adds flavor but also helps to strengthen your immune with the shot of vitamin C.

How do you make honey and ginger mix for coughs?


5 tablespoons of pure natural honey

Three tablespoons of ginger juice

Two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice


Wash the ginger under running water. To remove dirt hidden in the joints, use a small brush to scrub it nicely until it is clean

Dry the ginger with a paper towel

In a small bowl, put five tablespoons of honey. 

Tip: If the honey is too thick, place the tablespoon in hot water before scooping, or put the honey jar in the hot, not boiling water.

In a separate bowl, grate the ginger using a fine grater; you can use a cheese grater for this

Place the grated ginger in a sieve over another and press down to squeeze out the juice until you have 3 tablespoons Cut a piece of lemon and squeeze two tablespoons over the ginger

Pour the ginger and lemon mix into the bowl with honey Stir until you have a uniform consistency syrup Take a teaspoon full and store the rest of the syrup in the fridge

Tip: Taking the mixture three to four times a day increases its effectiveness, and your cold disappears faster.


Dry lips can damage your confidence and do not look good at all. Therefore, if you suffer from dry lips due to a lack of moisture, you can follow the methods mentioned above to get rid of dry and chapped lips.

Can you use apple cider vinegar to clean? Thu, 13 May 2021 15:45:48 +0000 Can you use apple cider vinegar to clean?
Can you use apple cider vinegar to clean?

Can you use apple cider vinegar to clean? Well, yes is the honest answer to this question. And if you want to know more about how you can use apple cider vinegar for cleaning, you’ve got a perfect opportunity to read this article and find out.

So, what is in apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar offers similar benefits that the white vinegar does. It provides a natural cleaning solution that is much cheaper than commercial products. Besides, it leaves your surfaces with a pleasant smell. The apple cider vinegar is biodegradable and non-toxic. You can use this product for all your cleaning needs, including the drains and the floor surfaces of your house.

How you can use apple cider vinegar to clean

The use of apple cider vinegar depends on where you will be using it. For most household cleaning projects, it will be a great idea to mix water with apple cider vinegar.

Step-by-step guide on using apple cider vinegar for cleaning

Put the apple cider vinegar onto plastic or a glass spray bottle with apple cider vinegar to a third full.

Fill the other portion with water.
Shake the mixture thoroughly so that it can achieve a consistent and a clear light brown color 
Use this solution for your cleaning services. You can spray the solution onto the stoves, countertops, sinks, toilets, bathrooms, and furniture. 
Use a wet cloth to wipe out the surfaces after some time. 

A step-by-step guide into bathroom cleaning

Other than using apple cider vinegar for the general cleaning exercise of the sink and bathtub surfaces, you can use this product to clean your toilet bowl perfectly. You can do so by following the steps below:

Put a few cups of apple vinegar cider in the toilet bowl. 
Leave the solution to sit for an hour or two at most. 
Scrub the toilet thoroughly
Rinse the toilet with clean water. 

Other uses of the apple cider vinegar solution

You can use the solution of apple cider vinegar more precisely with kitchen appliances, including dishwashers and coffee makers. You can use the solution to clean the coffee maker so that it can remain working perfectly for an extended duration. You can follow these steps in making sure you clean accurately:

Pour the solution of the apple vinegar cider into your water filter. 
Allow your machine to run the vinegar for a sufficient duration. 
Run water into you’re your machine for more than one time. This will help you flush the vinegar. 


We have seen that you can use apple cider vinegar for cleaning and deodorizing different products at home. Just mix the product with water to create the right solution.

Spray or pour the solution onto the surfaces that you want to clean. You can clean many items and surfaces in your household using the solution, including the floor surfaces, kitchen appliances, and toilet surfaces and components.

Can you use apple cider vinegar to clean?

Therefore, apple cider vinegar is a perfect solution for you—best of luck in your next cleaning exercise.

Benefits of Black Pepper (15 of the top Ones) Tue, 16 Mar 2021 03:29:07 +0000 Benefits of Black Pepper Overview

Black pepper has a lot of benefits to our body, they include the following

Benefits of Black Pepper

1. Helps with digestion.

The human body secrets hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for digestion, and the consumption of black pepper leads to an increase in the production of this acid.

2. Helps in fighting depression.

People suffering from depression should consume black pepper because it has piperine, which helps enhance memory and improves brain functions.

3. Weight loss.

Black pepper speeds up the process of breaking down fat cells hence improving metabolic rate. This entire process leads to cutting or losing weight.

4. Nutrient absorption.

Black pepper helps the body consume a lot of nutrients from other foods to their full potential.

5. Treats ulcers

Black pepper can be used to treat peptic ulcers since they are anti-inflammatory and can soothe ulcers.

6. Promotes a healthy heart

Patients suffering from heart disease should add black pepper to their meals; the pepper gets rid of cholesterol building up in the arteries.

7. The remedy for cough and sore throat.

Black pepper can help reduce coughing and other respiratory be issues because it has expectorant properties.

8. Good for Arthritis patients

When black pepper oils are applied to the skin, a warming sensation is felt; it helps your blood to circulate. Patients with arthritis can use black pepper to get rid of the pain.

9. Soothes Toothaches.

It helps reduce toothache and other gum diseases. It can be applied to the pain are mixed with salt.

10. Prevents gray hair.

Gray hair can occur to anyone, even children. To prevent gray hair, use black pepper, mix pepper with yogurt, and apply it to your scalp.

11. Good for skin.

Regular consumption of black pepper leads to soft glowing skin.

12. Prevents cancer.

Piperine in black pepper acts as a protection against numerous cancer forms. It also increases the absorption of nutrients that are important for your health.

13. Improves fertility in men

Pepper improves male fertility by increasing testosterone levels that are rich in minerals responsible for male sex hormones.

14. Helps quit smoking

Inhaling black pepper vapor can help someone reduce smoking. Cigarette cravings are reduced when black pepper vapor is inhaled.

15. Fights wrinkles.

Black pepper fights signs of premature aging due to the antioxidants in it.

Use black pepper on your food. After all, it is delicious. Learn how to use it on food so that you don’t use the pepper in excess.

Black pepper recipe for weight loss

Black pepper is a weight loss spice that helps to increase metabolism and burn body calories. The spice has a burning sensation that is strong which some people cannot sustain the burn. The following are the proven recipes you can use black pepper to maximize your weight process;

1. Black pepper tea

You can prepare your beverages using black pepper spice. You only need to add a half teaspoon of grounded black pepper before you have it.

2. Adding it as a spice to your food

As you cook your food, you can decide to add back pepper which even increases the tasty of the food. You can add them as a row or grind to powder to effectively use.

3. Chewing Directly

If you don’t have a strong taste of the spice’s sensational burning, you can chew 2-3 pieces per day. Ensure you do it in the morning before you take your breakfast.

4. Fruits and Vegetable juice

You can decide to add the spice to your blended juice. You should use a half teaspoon and stir to make the best mixture that is tasty.


Weight loss can be a huge problem that is stressing you. You might be thinking about the best methods you can use to ensure shed some kilos in your weight loss process.

Black pepper is a very useful product that can help you in the process. Try it and you will never regret it!

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Learn more about black pepper here

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Benefits of Cayenne Pepper Tue, 16 Mar 2021 03:28:31 +0000 Benefits of Cayenne Pepper Overview
Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

We have a lot of benefits of taking cayenne pepper, let’s have a look at some;

1. Lower blood pressure

Cayenne pepper can lower blood pressure overnight because it has capsaicin. It sounds far-fetched, but it is true Cayenne lowers blood pressure.

2. Boosts metabolism.

A study shows that metabolism can suppress hunger and boost metabolism. However, don’t use too much pepper simply because it’s beneficial.

3. Improves digestive health.

Cayenne is able to boost circulation and heart action, thus improving the digestive process. It can also help in the production of digestive fluid and defend against infections as well.

4. Prevents cancer.

Cayenne has capsaicin, which has the ability to destroy cancer cells; it also prevents cancer cells from traveling across the body.

5. Reduces pain

Capsaicin is very powerful and can be used to relieve pain. It works perfectly when applied to the pain area.

6. Clears Congestion.

In case you are suffering from sinus congestion, Cayenne pepper will help in relieving it. Just take food that contains Cayenne pepper; it will help.

7. Protects the heart.

It protects the heart from harmful diseases. To add to that, it prevents heart attacks by preventing blood clots.

8. Relies on joint pains.

You can apply capsaicin on painful joints; it helps in relieving pain. Those suffering from arthritis should use this method as it is known to relieve joint pains as well as arthritis.

9. Helps Detoxify.

Most detox diets are made of lemon and Cayenne pepper.

This diet is good because it helps lower calorie intake.

However, you are not recommended to use the detox diet because you need a lot of nutrients to stay healthy, which is not offered by a detox diet.

10. Improves immunity.

The antioxidants available in Cayenne pepper can strengthen one’s immune system. When you eat pepper, your immune system becomes strong.

11. Has Antimicrobial properties.

It has antibacterial properties that prevent infections. Apart from that, it has antifungal properties too.

12. Improves skin and hair health.

Capsaicin can get rid of skin redness and treats acne also.

Ensure that you don’t use alone pepper mix with cocoa and ripe avocado.

13. Heals toothaches.

Using Cayenne pepper for toothache may seem old-fashioned, but it works well. It reduces tooth pain and increases blood flow.

14. Reduces hunger

Cayenne pepper reduces anger by curbing appetite. It helps you eat less and feel fuller for longer.

15. Improves psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a disease that has no cure so far, but capsaicin cream can reduce redness, scaling, and patchiness.
You can benefit from using these pepper; you can mix them on your food when cooking or eat them raw.

Ccayenne pepper drink for weight loss

Cayenne pepper is an herb that is natural and can help in the weight loss process. The pepper help in speeding up your metabolism, curb your appetite and burn a large number of calories from your body.

The fresh cayenne pepper can be used in making dishes or you can use the powder. Alternatively, the pepper can be consumed using the following methods;

  1. Capsules – They are tablets-form which are formulated to help in weight loss. You are required just to take 1-3 capsules per day on your weight loss process. The capsules help you to burn more calories and increase blood circulation, improve the digestive system and reduce blood pressure which helps to keep your body at normal rates.
  2. Cayenne Drink – You can just use one teaspoonful of pepper in your drink though you will experience some burning sensation. Gradually, you can consume just one glass a day and increase them to 3 glasses a day to boost your weight process.

Aside from helping you with weight loss, cayenne pepper also helps to treat other diseases. The cayenne pepper-based pills help in burning more than 250 calories per taking.

Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Ensure you consume it properly and take it according to your body requirements and do apply some exercises in the process.

Related Articles

Read Black Pepper here

Learn more about Cayenne Pepper here.

Benefits of Celery Juice Fri, 15 Jan 2021 15:53:07 +0000 Benefits of Celery Juice Overview

Benefits of Celery juice to the out body includes the following

1. Lowers cholesterol

The butylphthalide available in Celery juice helps in the reduction of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.

2. Powerful antioxidants

Celery has compounds that can kill cancer cells, and it also has another compound known as polyacetylenes, which reduces toxicity while boosting immunity.

Benefits of Celery Juice

3. Heals and activates the gut.

This is done by restoring hydrochloric acid, which is then used to digest things faster. Celery juice raises the stomach acid that is required to break down food.

4. Lowers blood pressure.

It lowers blood pressure that is by acting as a muscle relaxant. It improves the flow of potassium and calcium in cells.

5. A natural anti-inflammatory.

Celery juice can reduce joint pains, arthritis, and rheumatoid because it contains polyacetylene.

6. It’s alkalizing.

Celery is an alkaline food, and alkaline diets can prevent chronic diseases and lengthen lifespan.

7. Improves digestion.

Celery helps increases circulation in the intestines, thus getting things running smoothly.

Benefits of Celery Juice

It is good for puffiness, constipation, water retention, and bloating.

8. Protects the liver.

This juice reduces the fat that might have built up in the liver. It consists of nutrients that protect the liver.

9. Fight infection.

Celery contains microbial properties that fight infection and boosts immunity as well.

10. Highly nutritious.

Celery contains vitamins and minerals. Luteolin in Celery helps protect your skin from ultraviolet Rays.

11. Hydrating.

Drinking celery juice helps you stay hydrated because it is about 95% water. Ensure that you stay hydrated you should keep your body working properly.

12. It’s low in sugar.

It’s absolutely healthy to drink celery juice because of the low sugar content.

13. Weight loss.

Celery can reduce your weight because it has fewer calories, but there are chances that you can gain weight as well.

Benefits of Celery Juice

14. Prevents chronic inflammation.

Celery can help reverse inflammation by starving pathogens.

15. Consist of micronutrients.

The macronutrients available are very important to the human body; they help maintain skin.

Drinking celery juice is a habit you can start and maintain to keep going.

Celery juice recipe weight loss

Celery is a vegetable that is rich in vitamin C, lunularin, and bergapten. It also has an antiseptic nature that helps in eliminating kidney disorders, fighting cancer and urinary tract infections, among others. You can also use celery in your weight loss program. Making celery juice is the best for body detox. Below is a recipe that will guide you through making the celery juice.

What you need;

  1. 1 bunch of celery leaves
  2. 1 cup of freshwater
    How to make;
  3. Using a knife, cut the base of celery to separate the leaves.
  4. Wash and rinse each leave in clean water to remove any debris.
  5. Place on a chopping board and finely chop the leaves into pies 2inch in length.
  6. Place them in a blender and add 1 cup of water.
  7. Cover the blender with its lid and blend until smooth.
  8. Separate the celery juice and the residue through a sieve.
  9. Serve in two glasses.
    Serves: 2
    Preparation: 5 minutes
    you can take celery juice every day to assist in achieving great results. However, it is recommendable that you drink plain celery juice without any additives.

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Read benefits of broccoli here

Learn more about celery here.

Benefits of Ginger Fri, 15 Jan 2021 15:16:05 +0000 Benefits of Ginger Overview

1. Treats nausea

It’s advisable that you use ginger if you are experiencing nausea, especially morning sickness.

It helps people who have undergone surgery by relieving nausea and vomiting.

Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is safe but ensures you talk to your doctor before using it, especially for pregnant women.

2. Weight loss

A study shows that ginger plays a great role in cutting weight; it also helps women dealing with obesity reduce body mass.

3. Medicinal properties

Ginger has been used for medicinal purposes. It has been used for the following purposes fight flu, common cold, reduce nausea and AIDS indigestion.

4. Helps with osteoarthritis

Many people who used ginger to treat this health problem found it effective. It helps in the reduction of pain, and the only side effects are the taste of ginger.

5. Improves heart disease risk factors.

Patients with type two diabetes can use ginger, use 2 grams per day (ginger powder). It lowers blood sugar levels very fast.

6. Reduces menstrual pain

Ginger relies on menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhea); take ginger for the first three days of the menstrual period. It relieves pain faster than ibuprofen and mefenamic acid.

7. Treats chronic indigestion

This is a health problem where you feel pain and discomfort in the upper part of the stomach and is caused by delayed emptying the stomach, and in case this happens to you, use ginger capsules.

Benefits of Ginger

8. Lowers cholesterol levels

A high level of cholesterol leads to heart diseases; research shows that people with hyperlipidemia prefer using ginger pasted powder.

9. Prevents cancer

Ginger consists of a substance that can help in the prevention of cancer; the substances are found in large amounts in raw ginger.

10. Prevents against Alzheimer’s disease

The disease is associated with the aging process. A study suggests that bioactive compounds and antioxidants present in ginger can prevent inflammatory responses that occur in the brain.

11. Helps in fighting infections

Ginger lowers the risk of infections; it prevents the growth of various types of bacteria. It’s also effective against inflammatory gum diseases.

12. Eases cold or flu

A lot of people use ginger to recover from the flu or cold. You can use either fresh or dried ginger.

Benefits of Ginger

13. Prevents cell damage

Ginger has a high level of antioxidants when compared to other foods; antioxidants play a big role in the prevention of oxidative stress that can lead to diseases like diabetes, cancer and stroke.

14. Supports your immune system

Ginger has a compound known as gingerol that has antioxidant properties and helps your body’s immune system.

15. Vertigo

Ginger helps in reducing symptoms of vertigo use 1 gram of ginger.

How to prepare ginger and garlic for infection

Materials Necessary

Ginger contains Gingerol, while garlic contains Allicin, anti-inflammatory agents with anti-bacterial properties that reduce infection risk. To prepare ginger and garlic for Infection, you will need one cup of boiling water and half a teaspoonful of powdered ginger, and grated garlic.

Step by Step Procedure

Step One

Add the powdered ginger to a cup of hot water

Step Two

Now add the grated garlic into the mixture and stir

Step Three

Now allow the mixture to cool on its own, then strain into a cup.

Tips and Tricks

You should make sure that the ginger is well peeled and cleaned before crushing to prevent contamination—the garlic requires grating g into minor pieces possible to increase the surface area of absorption.


While this mixture is good for reducing the risk of infection, it is not advisable to use it in place of a medical antibiotic. You should seek the doctor’s advice even after you have applied the ginger-garlic mixture.

Ginger Home Remedies

When ginger is taken together with certain food items, it has specific properties that help cure many illnesses. Ginger is a good source of Vitamin B6 and potassium. It also contains minerals like copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and phosphorus.
Here are few remedies using ginger to stay healthy.

Materials or Products required for this job.

  1. knife
  2. Ginger root
  3. Fresh black pepper
  4. Honey
  5. Olive OilHow to do this job (step by step) without missing any step.
    Step 1- Clean, Peel and cut
    Peel off the skin of ginger root using a sharp knife after washing it clean under running water. Cut into small thin slices or grate them to make ginger juice using a grater. Make sure there are no woody pieces that may remain in the grater teeth. they may have an unpleasant taste in your drink later.Step 2; Add honey
    Add 2 tsp of ginger juice, 1/4 tsp of fresh black pepper powder and 1 tbsp of honey in a glass. Mix all items thoroughly to dissolve the peppercorns in the drink.Step 3; Add Olive Oil
    Add 1 tbsp of Olive oil to this mixture for health benefits. Warm the drink slightly to blend all tastes before drinking it. This will be an effective home remedy for curing a cold and flu.

Essential Tips, Tricks, and Warnings

  1. This remedy is especially suitable for those suffering from cold and flu.
  2. Black pepper helps absorb minerals from the ginger root into our body, thus increasing their health benefits.Warnings and Side Effects:
  • This home remedy is for informational purposes only and should not take the place of professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • If you are bleeding heavily after childbirth, don’t use ginger because it might slow down the blood clotting.
  • Ginger can increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Stop taking this home remedy at least two weeks before any scheduled surgery.
  • People with gallstones or stomach ulcers should not take ginger without first consulting a health care provider, it may worsen these conditions.Summing Up
    Ginger has exceptional medicinal properties that help prevents many health conditions. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which reduce pain and inflammation.


A mixture of ginger and garlic serves as an effective infection reduction substance. The mixture is easily prepared at home. One ought to seek further attention after using the combination.

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Learn more about Ginger here
