Best Acne Scars Treatment at Home (Easy Tips)

Best acne scars treatment at home

Usually, acne always leaves scars, stitches, and even bumps on our skin after it heals right in front.

And usually, these scars are deeply rooted in many layers of our skin, which always means that healing will take a long time.

Best Acne Scars Treatment at Home (Easy Tips)

This even leads to constant marks if left untreated.

The scars are really embarrassing to continue on the face, but fortunately, there is no shortage of self-help instructions and the natural treatment of acne scars, such as the secret of the scar, which promises to provide relief from acne scars.

There are many acne scars treatment at home.

Some of them are very useful, while some of them are not so productive as to quickly get rid of acne. Meanwhile, here is the best treatment for acne scars at home.

Drink plenty of water and fresh juices

It is especially important to drink enough water and juice to get rid of acne scars.

Most acne removal juices consist of oranges, dried fruits, pomegranate, lemon, apple, pear, guava, pine, etc.

Eating fresh fruits will provide your skin with plenty of essential Vitamin C and help cleanse a cup of pineapple and smooth it on your face.

Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and since pineapple contains ascorbic acid, it will help brighten the face.

Homemade Facial Mask

This is a simple but effective mask that you can make in your home to help cure acne.

Take a tablespoon of sour cream, a tablespoon of yogurt, a tablespoon of oatmeal, a few drops of lemon juice and mix them together.

Best Acne Scars Treatment at Home (Easy Tips)

This mixture forms a special paste that can be used to apply to the entire face.

After applying to the face, you must leave it on fire for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

Rub the ice on your acne scar.

Just rub the ice on acne every day for 3 minutes. Expect to see your acne scar disappear slowly after 2 weeks.

They say that by rubbing ice cubes on the affected area, you soothe the irritation and at the same time reduce the pore size.

Use aloe vera

Aloe Vera is one of the most effective acne scars treatment at home Aloe Vera will help you heal and restore if you use it constantly every day.

You can get it at the grocery store, and it is usually not very expensive. Just rub it on the scar and rinse off after 3 minutes.

Use honey

Honey is well known because it is one of the best acne scars treatment at home.

Honey is known to kill bacteria that cause acne. Using honey in the treatment of acne scars, you need to wash your face, and then apply honey to skin areas.

Best Acne Scars Treatment at Home (Easy Tips)

You must wait at least ten minutes before rinsing the honey.

Rub some honey on the scar and leave it overnight. You will not only see the result very quickly but also eliminate acne.

Use lemon juice

Lemon juice is useful for improving dark acne scars/pigment scars.

Squeeze the lemon, strain the juice on a cotton swab and apply directly to the skin.

You can leave lemon juice for a while before washing it with water.


It has been proven that all these home remedies help those who suffer from these scars.

Using home remedies should be your first choice if your condition is not serious.

Best Acne Scars Treatment at Home (Easy Tips)

If so, there is a natural acne scar treatment that uses a special technique to permanently remove acne scars.

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