Benefits of Lime

Benefits of Lime Overview

1. Aids in digestion

Lime water helps digestion. Lime juice consists of acids that help saliva break down; the compounds in lime also stimulate digestion in the stomach.

2. Promotes water consumption

People who do not drink water should try adding lime; it enhances flavor, encouraging you to drink water.

3. Reduces chances of cancer

Consuming citrus fruits reduces the chances of getting esophageal cancer.

Benefits of Lime

Consider drinking lime water once or twice a day.

4. Helps improve diet

People who drink more water improve their diet when compared to those who drink sodas and juice.

5. Promotes weight loss

It is advisable that you drink a glass of water with a meal; this is to prevent overeating. You can as well drink lime water. It helps burn calories.

6. Improves the quality of the skin

Lime consists of ingredients that are beneficial to the skin that as antioxidants and vitamin C.

7. Reduces risk of heart diseases

Lime consists of potassium and magnesium, which helps in the proper functioning of the heart.

In general, potassium is what improves the flow of blood and reduces blood pressure.

8. Improves immune system

The nutrients available in lime support the immune system of the body. When you take lime regularly, it can help prevent colds and flu.

9. Lowers blood sugar

Vitamin C available in lime lowers blood sugar; taking lime is important because it improves someone’s blood sugar levels.

10. Prevents kidney stones

Lime water has vitamin C and citric acid, which prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Benefits of Lime

Always include vitamin C and citric acid in your diet.

11. Prevents growth of micro-organisms

Lime contains limonins, which prevents the growth of bacteria known as streptococcus, which is responsible for various infections and health conditions like mouth and respiratory infections.

12. Has anti-inflammatory properties

Vitamin C in lime acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in the body. The use of vitamin C provides great results.

13. Balances pH levels

Lemon is alkalizing food, they are acidic, but inside our bodies, they are alkaline and do not create acidity.

14. Promotes healing

Lime water can heal wounds and ensures that bones are strong together with connective tissues.

15. Freshens Breath

Apart from a fresh breath, lime also relieves gingivitis and tooth pain.

Benefits of Lime

Those people who find it hard to drink water should opt for lime water. It has a great flavor as well as other benefits.

Lime recipes vegan

There are many theories that explain the origin of the key lime pie and how it should be prepared. For example, some say it originated in the Key West, Florida, and others from the Borden Milk Company in New York. Below is a lime recipes vegan variation that is both healthy and yummy.

Ingredients You Need

For the Crust:

  • 1 and 1/4 cups of vegan graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/4 cup vegan butter, melted

For the Filling:

  • 1 cup raw cashews (soaked overnight and drained)
  • 1 tablespoon of lime zest
  • 3/4 cup full-fat coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 3-4 large limes, juiced
  • 1/3 or 1/2 cup agave nectar

How to Make

  1. Set the oven to 190°C and place 12 paper liners on a standard muffin tin.
  2. Pour the graham crackers into the food processor and run it until you achieve a fine consistency. Add in the melted butter and combine them in the pulser.
  3. Pour the result evenly into the muffin tins and flatten with a spoon.
  4. Bake for around 10 minutes until they are golden brown. Remove and allow to cool.
  5. Pour the filling ingredients into the blender and run it until creamy and smooth. Add more lime juice (tart) or agave for a rich sweet taste.
  6. Spoon the filling into the muffin tins and add some zest toppings.
  7. Loosely cover the tins and freeze them to a firm consistency. Take the tins out of the freezer and allow to thaw for 10 to 15 minutes.
  8. Serve.

Additional Tips

· Cook/prep time doesn’t include freezing.


That’s it! You now have a vegan version of the key lime pie recipe. Add walnut-date crust or sub-gluten-free cookies if you don’t eat gluten.

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Read about Lemon benefits here

Learn more about Lime here

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