Benefits of eating tamarind Overview
Tamarind is a sweet, delicious, and undoubtedly pleasant fruit. Its botanical name is Tamarindus Indicus.
Tamarind is rich in vitamins C and B, carotene, potassium, and magnesium. Let’s take a look at the various health benefits of tamarind in the following lines.
The seeds and pulp of the tamarind rind are dried and used to prepare various nutritional recipes and medicines to treat multiple diseases.
When dried, these pods become acidic, so they are used in foods for seasoning and many health benefits. Here are some effective home remedies that use tamarind.

The fruit has a laxative, antiseptic, carminative effect and favors digestion.
The leaves have astringent, antifungal, diuretic, anthelmintic, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Its root bark also has excellent medicinal uses because it also acts as an astringent and emitting drug.
Below are 15 benefits of eating tamarind
1. Helps treat constipation:
Tamarind peel is used to treat constipation, as it acts as a laxative and loosens the stool. When given in the form of juice to people suffering from constipation, it helps.
2. Helps lower cholesterol:
If you consume tamarind in food regularly, you will reduce bad cholesterol in the body and maintain a healthy heart. By reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, you increase longevity and create a healthy body.
3. Helps cure biliary disorders:
Tamarind has been used for years to treat biliary and living disorders. It helps treat bile duct problems. Therefore, tamarind should be consumed regularly in food to prevent the development of liver and gallbladder problems.
4. Relieves pain and inflammation:
tamarind relieves inflammation and joint pain. The paste applied to sore joints by crushing the leaves and pulp of tamarind has been found to reduce pain and swell significantly.
5. Helps treat a sore throat:
If you suffer from a sore throat, gargle with tamarind juice to quickly relieve pain caused by a sore throat.
6. Helps cure conjunctivitis:
Tamarind helps cure conjunctivitis in the eye. Tamarind seeds are used to make an ointment that is used to treat eye drops to heal the conjunctiva caused by common dry eye syndrome or bacterial infection.
7. Helps Cure Jaundice:
Since tamarind helps cure many liver and bile duct disorders, it also helps treat jaundice and other related problems.
8. Helps treat colds:
Tamarind helps reduce inflammation and therefore treats the common cold.

Put some tamarind in boiling water and drink it to reduce the cold.
9. Helps fight cancer:
Tamarind peel contains many antioxidants and, therefore, helps treat cancer by expelling free radicals from the body. It only helps with treatment and is not a substitute for regular medications.
10. Helps Heal Hemorrhoids
– Hemorrhoids are a frustrating problem, and you can solve it by consuming tamarind. Take some tamarind flowers and extract their juice. This juice should be consumed daily to reduce hemorrhoid problems.
11. Fever:
The sap can be extracted from the tree leaves and mixed with turmeric. Prepare this in cold water. Daily intake can cleanse the body of microorganisms and infections.
12. White secretions:
The tamarind seed treatment, if used for a few weeks, can completely eliminate the problem. To do this, soak the seeds in water overnight. Make a paste and mix it with a cup of milk before eating it in the morning.
13. Diarrhea:
Fruit seeds are astringent, but remember that fruit is a laxative. To get rid of loose motions, have a drink with a mix of tamarind seeds, a teaspoon of cumin, and water. You can also mix in some sugar and take it twice a day. In severe cases, you can contact a doctor.
14. Itching:
To eliminate this problem, apply leaf juice to the affected area 2-3 times a day. The problem will disappear in 3-4 days. If not, you may have other problems. Allow yourself to be fulfilled.
15. Kansar:
Tamarind is rich in antioxidants. One study found that an extract made from tamarind seeds reduced the severity of acute kidney failure and kidney cancer due to its antioxidant properties.
16. Nervous function:
One of the essential vitamins in tamarind is the B complex.
Thiamine, which is an integral part of the family of B vitamins, is found in large amounts in tamarind.
Thiamine is responsible for improving nerve function and building muscle, helping you stay active, maintain your reflexes, and stay strong.

Tamarind has been used to treat many pregnancy-related problems, such as morning sickness, upset stomach, nausea, and constipation.
This fruit is full of fiber, which not only prevents overeating but also promotes fetal growth.
Tamarind also has cooling effects on your stomach, which is helpful when you have a strong urge to vomit.
You can suck on a piece of tamarind seasoned with salt and pepper to avoid nausea.
The nutritional value of tamarind
Tamarind contains a variety of bioactive phytochemicals. It mainly contains catechin, epicatechin, proanthocyanidins, apigenin, luteolin, naringin, taxifolin, and other phenolic polymers.
Tamarind fruits usually contain tannins, succinic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, and pectin. Cellulose, amyloid albuminuria, and phytohaemagglutinin were found in the traces.
The secondary plant matter and nutrients in tamarind work synergistically and produce their miraculous benefits.
Are you not passionate about using tamarind in your kitchen? Here are some tips on how to use and store tamarind.
Use and storage of tamarind
There are several different ways to use tamarind in cooking.
One of the easiest ways to extract the pulp of this fruit is to soak it.
Soak a small piece of tamarind in warm water.
Strain the juice and get rid of the pulp.
The following method takes a little longer. You need to soak, cool, and extract the pulp.
Place a handful of semi-dried tamarind chunks in a glass container with a lid.
Pour in enough potable water to submerge the parts.

Close the lid and place the container in the refrigerator.
Let’s stand up for the night. The next morning, the tamarind chunks will be softer and ready to use.
Squeeze out enough pulp and save the remaining soft tamarind.
Cover the bowl when ready. Leave the rest in the fridge for as long as necessary.
Tamarind is the main ingredient in Indian dishes and several authentic Asian dishes.
Traditional medicine regards this fruit and its parts as a remedy for a wide variety of ailments.
It comes to the (somewhat) laborious and complicated method of pulp extraction. In this way, the tamarind is soaked, squeezed, and cooked.
Making tamarind juice is a straightforward process that can be done at home with just a few materials. It’s also one of those jobs where no mistakes are possible as long as you follow all the steps carefully. The only thing that might go wrong is when you don’t have enough time to make it before your guests arrive. In such cases, you should try making it earlier.
1 cup of fresh tamarind pulp
step 1: Wash the tamarinds thoroughly under running water until they become soft. You may use soap, but we recommend using plain water because washing them with soap could leave behind residue, which would affect the taste of the final product. If you want to wash them with soap, then please read our post here first.
Step 2: Cut off both ends of each tamarind pod. This way, you’ll get more juice out of the pods.
Step 3: Put the cuttings into a blender along with half a cup of water. Blend well till smooth. Add more water if needed.
Step 4: Pour the mixture through a cheesecloth/muslin cloth. Squeeze hard to extract the maximum amount of liquid. Discard the remaining solid material.
Step 5: Now, pour the extracted juice into another container. Let it sit overnight.
Step 6: Next day, morning strain again through a muslin cloth. Repeat the same procedure once more.
Step 7: Finally, squeeze the last bit of juice out from the muslin cloth.
Taste test
If you’re not satisfied with the result, you can always add sugar or salt to improve its flavor. But remember that adding too much of these things will change the color of the juice. So keep tasting it until you find the right balance between sweet and sour flavors.
Tips & Warnings
You can store the tamarind juice in airtight containers for several days. However, if stored longer than two weeks, the acidity level starts decreasing. Therefore, you must consume it within three months. Also, avoid storing it in direct sunlight as heat accelerates oxidation.
Tamarind juice has many health benefits like anti-bacterial properties, antioxidant activity, immune-boosting effects, etc. Moreover, it helps in digestion and relieves constipation.
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