15 Benefits of Eating Apples (Minerals, Vitamins, Fibers, and More…)

Benefits of eating apples Overview

The apple is among the most popular and is usually in all houses, and this happens for different reasons.

They are delicious, they come at a reasonable price, and thanks to their flavor, we can add it to any preparation we make in the kitchen.

15 Benefits of Eating Apples (Minerals, Vitamins, Fibers, and More…)

This fruit is attributed to many beneficial properties for minerals, vitamins, fibers, and antioxidants.

It is also found in any diet when you want to lose weight since calorie levels are low, and its benefit of satiating helps us eat less food.

That is why we leave you a list of the benefits of eating apples in your daily diet:

1. Works as a Fat Burner:

This fruit has the power to help you burn fat, and it serves as a slimming due to the pectin content.

It must be clarified that it is not a miraculous piece and must be accompanied by a special diet and exercise routines.

2. Few Calories:

One of the advantages is that compared to other fruits, it contains few calories.

Maybe about 50 for every 100 grams, which makes it your ally to include it in your healthy diet to lose weight or keep in shape.

3. Keeps you hydrated:

Most of this fruit is made up of water. 80% of this fruit is made up of this liquid, so it is good for you to stay hydrated throughout the day.

4. Satiating Effect:

By containing pectin. This fiber helps you satisfy your appetite, so it can be used as a tool to consume it in the middle of the morning to avoid eating between meals and at times that you should not.

5. Helps intestinal transit:

Another significant advantage of eating this fruit is that your digestive system is favored by improving intestinal transit.

If there are constipation problems, it is recommended to consume them with skin and raw.

6. Heart health:

The most recent research affirms that containing pectin and fiber reduces cholesterol and helps you prevent fat from accumulating in blood vessels. That is why it is effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

7. Serves as a Diuretic:

The apple is diuretic and serves as a perfect cleanser, as it contains cysteine that effectively combats fluid retention problems.

8. Beneficial for respiratory health:

By containing flavonoids, the apple allows you to reduce inflammation that the respiratory tract may have.

9. Serves as a painkiller:

The simple act of smelling an apple is said to give a feeling of tranquility.

That is why apple oil is used in aromatherapy for its relaxing values.

15 Benefits of Eating Apples (Minerals, Vitamins, Fibers, and More…)

Many studies relate the apple to self-confidence. Also, its phosphorous content activates the relaxing effects that help you sleep at night.

10. Helps prevent various types of cancer:

According to research, eating an apple a day can prevent certain types of cancer such as mouth, colon, rectum, prostate, etc.

11. Good for diabetes:

Another of the great benefits of apples is that it stabilizes blood sugar levels due to its high fiber content.

15 Benefits of Eating Apples (Minerals, Vitamins, Fibers, and More…)

This delays the absorption of certain carbohydrates, which prevents insulin spikes.

12. Whiten the teeth:

Eating a piece of apple after each meal helps protect the mouth from the development of bacteria, thanks to its nutrients can prevent the development of gingivitis or cavities.

13. Good for nails and hair:

If we include this fruit in our regular diet, we will see an improvement in the nails and hair, feeling them more vigorous and with a healthy and shiny appearance thanks to its minerals.

14. Draining effects:

Studies on this fruit affirm that the pectin contained in it and the antioxidants help eliminate toxins from the body.

15 Benefits of Eating Apples (Minerals, Vitamins, Fibers, and More…)

15. Many vitamins

It has a great source of vitamins C and A, as well as contains potassium. An average size apple contains approximately 8mg of vitamin C. This is found under your skin.

That is why it is not recommended to peel it.


As you can see, the apple in addition to being a sweet and delicious fruit has a great nutritional value that should be present in every daily diet, believe me, that your health will thank you

15 Benefits of Eating Apples (Minerals, Vitamins, Fibers, and More…)

We suppose that the reasons and benefits that we gave you are more than enough to change your mind.

Apples for crepes

Using apples for crepes is a great way to make breakfast and start your day. Not only is this meal tasty, but it is also affordable, easy to make, and a welcome respite from eggs and bacon. You can also eat it as dessert during the fall when apples are everywhere. Below is a simple apple crepes recipe for you.

What You Need

· ¼ cup sugar

· 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour

· 1 ¼ cups low-fat milk

· Salt

· 4 lightly beaten large eggs

· 3 peeled tart apples cut into small cubes (1/2-inch)

· ¼ cup apple cider or juice

· 1 tablespoon unsalted butter

· ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

What to Do

  1. (Crepe batter) Add the flour, sugar, and salt into the blender and pulse. Pour in the milk and eggs, then blend until smooth. Place the mixture in a bowl and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
  2. Melt some butter in a skillet, throw in apples and stir until they begin to soften.
  3. Add cinnamon and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Sauté until brown.
  4. Whisk the crepe batter and pour ¼ cup of it into a misted 10-inch skillet, then tilt so the batter covers the base. Cook until brown.
  5. Lift and flip the crepe, cook for 30 seconds, then place on a plate. Repeat with the rest of the batter, placing them on the plate and covering with a warm sheet.
  6. Fold the crepes into quarters and arrange on plates.
  7. Rewarm your apple mixture and use them to top your crepes.

Additional Tips

· Always whish batter to the consistency of thin cream

· Mist your skillet between crepes.


Apple for crepes are sweet and make a delicious breakfast meal, dessert, snack, or brunch side dish. Try this recipe today and enjoy the gentle taste.

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