Benefits of Eating Almonds Overview
Almonds are considered the most nutritious dried fruit in the world.
Besides having a sweet and delicate flavor, it contains infinities of beneficial properties for our body.
Among its benefits, it stands out that they help in different areas such as bones, skin, hair, heart, and more.

How it is most consumed and its benefits are enjoyed is to eat them raw with their skin, incorporating them in salads, desserts, and smoothies.
That is why we leave you these benefits that consuming this dried fruit brings you.
1. They are a great source of energy
Its carbohydrate intake offers energy to cope with the daily days, and the iron it contains helps fight anemia problems.
2. Good for the heart
Different studies show that people who consume almonds frequently have a greater chance of reducing heart attacks and other heart conditions.
Almonds strengthen the arteries thanks to the amino acid and fat they contain.
On the other hand, having flavonoids such as quercetin, catechins, and rutinosides helps to contribute to the circulatory system’s proper functioning.
3. Good for bones and teeth
Due to its magnesium and phosphorus content, almonds help to have healthy teeth and resistant bones, they also protect muscles, and due to its calcium content, it prevents osteoporosis.
4. Good for the mind:
With the regular consumption of this dried fruit, you increase brain functions so that it remains active and lucid at the same time.
5. Improve the immune system
The zinc contained in this fruit will improve the immune system’s functioning, promoting growth and fighting states of tiredness and fatigue.
And vitamin A, for its part, performs similar functions that also detoxify the body.
6. Fight free radicals
By containing selenium and vitamin E, they fight free radicals and help prevent future degenerative diseases.
7. Good for pregnancy:
It is especially beneficial during the gestation stage and pregnancy because it is rich in proteins, including calcium and magnesium.
Almonds also serve as a breast milk stimulant.
8. Substitute for dairy:
The almond, being rich in calcium, serves as an alternative to obtain calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium necessary for the formation and regeneration of teeth and bones.

Its contribution to calcium makes it essential in any diet to be applied in older people since it helps prevent osteoporosis.
9. Invigorates athletes and young people:
It is restorative and tones since it is a protein source, especially for children and adolescents, and athletes.
By containing fatty acids that are unsaturated and phosphorous, they make it beneficial to enhance performance at intellectual levels.
10. Helps maintain weight:
Despite their caloric intake, almonds help to take care of weight and lose weight due to their fat content. This is because it speeds up metabolism and can replace other snacks with higher levels of calories.
11. Combat constipation problems
As it contains fiber, this dried fruit becomes an excellent food to help all those who suffer from constipation problems, regulating the number of evacuations.
12. Improve mood:
Almonds have tyrosine, which is a key amino acid for producing dopamine. This hormone, we all know, is the hormone of happiness; this neurotransmitter transmits the signals that control emotional and mental responses. Which is essential for motivation, good spirits, and attention.
13. Beneficial at cognitive levels:
Almonds provide you with cognitive benefits since several studies have shown their ability to improve memory and learning; this benefits from the contributions of zinc and vitamin e.
14. Oxidation in the body:
The consumption of this dried fruit is related to the reduction of oxidation damage; this is due to the high levels of antioxidants they have.
15. Regulates sugar levels:
Studies have confirmed that consuming almonds reduces blood sugar levels; it is recommended to eat almonds every day after each meal.

Almonds vs peanuts
Are you aware that consuming 1.5 ounces of nuts daily can reduce your risk for heart disease by up to 50 percent and lower the chances of developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 40 percent?
That’s right: Nuts are a superfood! They’re also one of the most versatile foods; they go well with just about everything from salads to soups to desserts. So which nut should you choose when it comes time to snack on something healthy?
Benefits of Almond vs. Peanuts
1. Almonds
Nuts like almonds contain high levels of monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, folate, copper, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, selenium, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin, lutein/zeaxanthin, alpha-tocopherol, beta carotene, phytosterols, polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, and other nutrients. These healthful compounds help protect against cardiovascular diseases, cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and many others.
2. Peanuts
Peanut butter contains lots of vitamins A, B6, D, K, calcium, phosphorous, folic acid, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and dietary fiber.
It also provides energy, protein, carbohydrates, and some minerals such as iodine, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, vanadium, cobalt, bromide, fluoride, chlorine, and sulfur. 2 The peanut itself is rich in proteins, fat, carbohydrate, and mineral content including iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus.
How to Choose Between Them
When choosing between these two delicious snacks, there are several factors to consider.
Both nuts come packed full of nutrition. However, if you want to get all the nutritional value possible, then opt for almonds over peanuts because they provide higher amounts of certain key nutrients.
For example, almonds offer twice the amount of Vitamin E compared to peanuts.
Almonds contain significantly more fiber than peanuts. Fiber keeps blood sugar steady throughout the day and prevents constipation.
Both nuts are good sources of protein, but almonds contain slightly less protein than peanuts.
Almonds calories
Eating almonds may be the best choice you can make, especially when you want to lose weight. Several scientific studies have proved that eating almonds and other nuts is beneficial to your body. Although almonds contain high calories, they leave you satisfied for a long time which aids in weight loss.
In this article, we’re going to discuss almond calories and almonds in general.
The processing affects how much energy we get from almond
The level of processing determines the almond calories available to your body. Breaking the food matrix by chopping, blending, cooking, and chewing makes the almond release more fat.
The level of processing influences almond calories release in the following ways:
Roasting- this increases almond calorie level to 4.9 per gram.
Roasting and chopping- this increases the calorie level to 5.0 per gram of almond.
This effect of the food matrix is still present even when the almonds are consumed with other food.
The calories in the nuts depend on who’s eating them
The nutritional response of almonds in different bodies is different. This greatly relies on the gut bacteria that play a great role in food digestion. A study conducted indicated that the rate of almond calories absorption ranges between 2 to 6 almond calories per gram.
Why you should eat almonds
If you only look at the almond calories and decide not to eat them, you’ll miss out on other health benefits. The health benefits include:
Weight loss- it’s a good source of fiber and thus perfect for people on a low-carb diet.
Cardio-protective property- almonds contain monosaturated fats, which are essential to heart health.
Contains beneficial nutrients and vitamins- almond contains manganese, magnesium, calcium, and Vitamin E, which are very beneficial to the body functioning.
As you have seen, almonds are very beneficial to our health. Overlooking the almonds calories may make you miss on improved heart health and fast weight loss. The number of almond calories available mainly depends on almond processing. You can take almonds in a salad, baked goods, or as a spread on sliced apples.
Although almonds are probably the dried fruit that has been studied the most to analyze the benefits that they bring to the body, the truth is that all nuts
In general, will bring you benefits if they are consumed correctly and moderately.
It is only a matter of information and knows which one is more beneficial and practical for our health;
remember that there are people who are allergic to certain types of nuts, and the idea is not to go through the wrong time.
So what do we think? Are almonds healthier than peanuts? We’d say yes—and no. While almonds are definitely superior, nutritionally speaking, they aren’t perfect either. On top of being loaded with calories, they tend to be very expensive. Plus, they don’t always keep fresh as long as peanuts. But overall, almonds still win hands down.
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Check out Balance of Nature Fruit and Vegetable Supplement on Amazon.