Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Benefits of black seed oil Overview

Scientists have researched the benefits of black seed oil in a wide range of different specialists. Generally, these seeds are pressed from flowering shrub seeds, Nigella sativa.

Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Individuals can apply it topically on their skins or ingest it in the form of capsules to benefits from it. However, since there are countless benefits of black seed oil, we have selected the top-rated and effective ones for you.

1. Solves male infertility problems

A recent study shows that about 68 infertile men, who took 5 ml of black seed oil daily, improved their semen quality in two months. In diabetic rats, this oil increases testosterone without any side effects. Still, it improves sperm motility and quality in another related study.

2. Fights anxiety

Clear evidence supports that black seed oil decreased anxiety, enhanced cognition, and 48 adolescent males’ mood after four weeks. This group took 1 g of oil dairy in the form of a capsule.

Scientist says that Thymoquinone is an active ingredient in black seed oil, which helps fight fatigue and anxiety.

3. Fights against breathing diseases

The scientist again noticed that Thymoquinone and Nigellone are two major volatile oils in the black seed. The Nigellone produces both broncho-dilating and anti-spasmodic properties, which add the power of black seed oil against breathing disorders.

4. Strengthens bone

The pentarchy cliterpenesaponin, Alpha-header isolated from the black seeds, is strong in vivo anti-tumor activity. Still, it is proven to increase interferon production and protect the normal cells from risky invader effects. Also, it helps in destroying the tumor cells.

5. Reduces the skin allergy

This black seed acts as an Anthihisramine that aids in reducing skin allergies, negative systems. Again, it produces Thymoquinone as helpful Aalgesic and inflammatory effects. Also, it is a powerful antioxidant that helps in cleaning the toxins out of our bodies. Further, other researches show that black seed is Antimicrobial, anti-leukemic, and effective in deworming.

6. Prevents cancer

The recent research claimed that black seed increased the ratio between the activity of NK cell and T-cell. These results show that it plays a vital role in fighting and preventing AIDS, cancer, and other immune deficiency states.

7. Helpful for the respiratory system

Some active ingredients in black seed oil can work as an immune system booster. Therefore, there have proven effective in treating whooping cough and Asthma.

8. Fights obesity

The recent research published in Metabolic disorders and diabetes confirmed that black seed is useful in fighting obesity. This seed has over 100 beneficial properties—it essential source of proteins, minerals, fatty acids, vitamins, and other related minerals. Therefore, beta-sitosterol is claimed to have anti-carcinogenic properties for treating obesity.

9. Helps in milk production to breastfeeding mothers

This is amazing. Black seeds were used to help increase milk production for nursing mothers, traditionally. Also, there is recent prove claiming that black cumin seeds stimulated milk production in rats.

10. Antioxidant defense

The cell and animal studies claim that black seed oil acts on the below antioxidant pathways:
(a) Lowering homocysteine
(b) Increases the liver antioxidant enzymes like glutathione
(c) Protect different tissues from oxidative injuries like liver, blood vessels, and stomach

11. Help in muscle relaxation

The black seed oil lowers spasms in tissues. It has effects on smooth muscles like the gut, heart, and airways. The seed acts by blocking the calcium effects on tissues, blocking cholinergic and histamine pathways.

12. It is good for our hair and skin.

Due to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, black seed oil can help treat various skin conditions and hydrate the hair. It can reduce dandruff in hair; below are some skin conditions it helps to solve:
(a) General dry skin
(b) Eczema
(c) Acne
(d) Psoriasis

13. Fights high blood pressure

The black seed oil lowered blood pressure in patients with mild blood pressure. This volunteer group received 200mg or 100mg of black seed extract twice a day. Further, the extract also lowered LDL cholesterol, which might clog someone’s blood vessels.

14. Fights Hepatitis C

The black seed oil was confirmed to lower the viral load to Hepatitis C patients in the study of over 30 individuals. Another study also proved that ginger 500mg mixed with black seed 500mh had the same beneficial effects.

15. Fights seizures in kids

A black seed compound known as Thymoquinone is proven to fight seizures in kids. It reduces seizures through increasing antibody levels and immune cell activity.
As a result, the above comprehensive guide will educate you on the proven top-rated black seed oil benefits.

How to use black seed oil for hair

Black seed oil, also known as Nigella Sativa or black cumin, contains a high thymoquinone concentration, a powerful antihistamine that naturally restores hair growth. Here, we will teach you how to use black seed oil for hair.

What You Need

The following are the ingredients you will need to make the black seed oil:

· 2 handfuls black cumin seeds

· 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

· 5 cups of water


  1. Fill a pot with 5 cups of water and add 2handfuls of black cumin seeds.
  2. Allow the mixture to boil for 10 minutes, then take it off the heat and let cool for 5 minutes or so.
  3. Use a strainer to remove the seeds from the mixture and pour 1 cup of the infused oil into a jar.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of virgin olive oil and mix.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture on your scalp
  6. and massage it in, then let it sit for half an hour.
  7. Wash your hair.
  8. Do this bi-weekly for maximum results.

Safety Tips

Apply black seed oil only to your hair if you plan on trying it for hair growth and want to avoid any side effects.


If it’s your first time using black seed oil, try applying it to a small area to ensure you will react well to it.

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